Facilities Manager

The Club’s Facilities Manager is  Eugene Creally. He is assisted by Peter Darbyshire. Eugene's  duties include the following:

  • To ensure all checks of the facility (Clubhouse, courts, and grounds) are undertaken,
  • To organise monthly court maintenance,
  • To keep the maintenance schedule up to date,
  • To ensure any maintenance issues are resolved as quickly as possible,
  • To cut the grass around the Clubhouse and on the bank adjacent to court 1,
  • To liaise with and organise club volunteers,
  • To ensure that the Club’s RiskAssessment  is reviewed on an annual basis

He reports directly to the Club Committee. Please contact Eugene (e.creally@virgin.net; 07815903993) or in his absence Peter (07962452678)  if you have concerns about the Clubhouse, courts and adjoining grounds.